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Chemotherapy / Radiation Q & A

Battling any illness can be tough, especially when you are faced with cancer.  One thing that is common for people undergoing treatment for cancer (generally called radiation or chemotherapy) is hair loss. While some of the newer, more targeted chemotherapy drugs will not affect hair, the majority do cause hair loss. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.

Most people who come to Advanced Hair solutions have questions about potential hair loss before and after their scheduled treatment. We are more than happy to spend a thorough  amount of time to not only answer your questions about chemotherapy but to put you at ease and in control regarding your hair loss. Some of the typical questions we receive about radiation treatment and hair loss are below. In the event you need additional information or have specific questions please click here to contact us.

Chemotherapy / Radiation Q & A

Will I lose most of my hair?

Hair loss depends on the person, dosage of drugs, and types of drugs. For more details regarding hair loss, and your treatment, please contact your physician.

Here are a few examples of different chemotherapy drugs and how they might affect your hair. This does not cover all the chemotherapy drugs available to treat cancer, but these are just a couple of common ones.

  • The breast cancer drug Cytoxan (cyclophosphamide) causes hair thinning but not complete hair loss.
  • Adrucil (fluorouracil) does not cause hair loss.
  • Adriamycin (doxorubicin) causes hair to thin during the first three weeks of treatment, then all hair falls out.
  • With Taxol (paclitaxel), there is very sudden hair loss; you will likely wake up one morning with your hair on your pillow.

When will hair loss take place?

Again the amount and time that hair loss will occur depends largely on the type of chemotherapy drug you are taking.  However, typically hair loss will take place 7-21 days after your first treatment. Total hair loss generally occurs in approximately 30-60 days.

Why do people lose their hair when experiencing chemotherapy treatments?

Chemotherapy drugs are prescribed to stop the cancer cells. A side effect of this treatment is that cells responsible for hair health can be destroyed. These drugs are toxic to the hair shaft and root.

Over time will my hair regrow?

Typically chemotherapy and radiation treatments are temporary. It is common for hair regrowth to return to normal in 90-120 days after treatment ends.

Will my hair after treatments be the same as it was before the treatments?

The new regrowth of hair may vary from the hair first lost. Hair pigment, altered during your treatments, may regrow white or grey or a shade not comparable to the hair lost.

What can I do once hair loss begins?

Your options depend on the extent of the hair loss, however multiple options are available. Casual headwear to conceal hair loss, like scarves or caps, suffice for some people, while wigs and custom nonsurgical hair restoration are the norm for many people facing chemotherapy treatments.

Do the wigs look like wigs?

The technology of today has made “wiggy” wigs a thing of the past.  New designs and materials coupled with a carefully hand-crafted product ensure a natural look and feel of beauty. Look the way you want to look and actually enhance your self-image!

What is the distinction between a Synthetic wig and a Human Hair wig?

Human hair wigs can be more expensive to buy and maintain. Synthetic materials used in today’s wigs are less costly, and easier to wash and style. A complimentary consultation is required to evaluate the best hair replacement option for your specific situation.

Aren’t wigs uncomfortable?

We measure and custom fit all of our wig products which separates us from the rest. Custom styling and fit with soft lightweight materials ensures the ultimate comfort in style and natural look and feel.

Am I at risk with a wig causing slow hair regrowth and or damage to my scalp?

Not at all. Wigs will not harm your scalp or interfere with hair regrowth. A wig typically makes you feel good about yourself and instills confidence in yourself and your look. It also helps maintain body heat in cold weather and prevents overexposure of your sensitive scalp to the harmful effects of the sun. It is common to wear your wig until your hair has made enough recovery to style and shape.

I have heard horror stories about wigs shifting or falling off. Will this happen to me?

Our wig products fit securely and comfortably. While elastic bands are the norm for securing your wig, additional attachment methods are available in the form of clips, tapes, and adhesives. If this is a concern to you please discuss this subject with our specialist at your consultation.

What is the cost for a wig or Hair Replacement / Restoration?

Many factors are considered in the pricing of your wig or Hair Replacement: Types of wigs (human or synthetic), Wigs/Hair Replacement design and construction, and Length of hair, to name a few. In general, the cost increases with the length of hair and degree of customization. Detailed pricing will be provided at your consultation.

Does Insurance cover these costs?

More and more Insurance companies are realizing that Wigs and Hair Replacement are a necessity for those individuals suffering from medical and hereditary hair loss. We will be happy to discuss what is covered by your insurance policy at your consultation.

When should I come in for my consultation?

At Advanced Hair Solutions we know that the notion of hair loss can be frightening. Scheduling an appointment early on will often result in the best outcome possible. Determining your hair length, style, and color in advance of your treatment will give you peace of mind and allow you to control your situation at the time of your choosing.